Friday, January 16, 2015

"RING"ing in the Holidays!

We wanted to celebrate our engagement with all of our friends, but since we were so busy, we knew we couldn't see everyone we wanted to see individually: so we had a party! We were engaged in October, so by the time I had wrapped my mind around it, it was almost Christmas. 

We decided to have a Holiday engagement party. We had a super fun photo booth, drank holiday sangria out of little plastic ornaments, and told all of our favorite stories. It was the best ever.

The only picture we managed to take together the entire night.
This post will be short and sweet! We are SO glad we got to see all of our friends! You have no idea how much we appreciate you all making it to Louisville for the official kickoff to the wedding festivities! It was so great to see everyone in one place and we obviously had a great time. I would post a video of James' "how we met" speech but I am pretty sure he doesn't want that circulating the internet...  We know how hard it is for everyone to fit in some time for fun around the holidays and the fact that we were able to see our friends, from near and far, means the world to us. Over 4,400 miles were traveled (one way) by just our out-of-state friends for the occasion! You all are amazing and we are SO lucky to have such great people in our lives! Thanks for sticking with us for the past 8 years!
We love you all and CAN NOT WAIT until the next time!

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