Monday, November 25, 2013

18 degrees, inside and out

 We have officially owned the new house for 25 days. We have had our hands on it for about 18, and without power for about 8. Why don't you take a minute to think about that... no radio, no power tools, no lights, no HEAT.
Yesterday James and I bundled up and worked on the house all day together. A day which started at 18 degrees and finished around 25. I am pretty sure my internal body temperature was one degree away from being one of those semi-comatose survival stories. Regardless, we were able to accomplish a few things this week.
Hey! Thats where the potty should be!
We drilled holes in the rafters for all of our recessed lighting, sealed the new windows and door, cut out some of the old cast iron pipes, and attempted to remove the patio overhang. James was able to demolish the bathroom floor, leaving a lovely skylight in the living room, and an accidental hole that will allow you to view the attic, through two floors, while standing in the basement. Let's turn that into a beer hole. Thirsty? Hang on, I'll shove one down for you.
We also tackled the task of mounting our recessed lighting. This was a mathematical impossibility. Truly.
Before you judge our alignment - imagine.. cabinets!
We measured every angle of every wall at least 4 times. No matter how perfect you tried to make the lights, it just wasn't going to happen.  The joists are perfectly symmetric. And the chambers come in an uneven number. Exactly where you wouldn't want a light to be.
Spaghetti monsters in the wall.
Want one over the mantle? Nope. We're holding up your house here. What about in front of the bookcases? Nope, not here either. We're too sturdy.

Of course, we could have changed our number of can lights... But we are intent on having our living room ceiling mirror the runway lights on nearby Bowman Field.
Circa 1921
In the next week, we plan on having the electricity turned back on, some masonry work completed, wiring the lights and switches, eating improbable amounts of poultry, and maybe, just maybe, pulling the trigger on some kitchen cabinets.

I am absolutely going to use the cold as an excuse to embarrass myself at thanksgiving dinner. What? I need to build up my blubber.


  1. Make sure you take those cast iron pipes to a scrap yard for some CA$H!

  2. Pshh... We have a whole pile going so far! This house is made out of cast iron and concrete, it seems.


Let me know what you think!