Thursday, April 25, 2013

Life updates

If you were wondering...

James and I are still moving in together. It has turned into the longest move ever in the history of people moving in together. Mostly, because I still have a house with my friends, and we are having a big Derby Brunch next week that I need a lot of my kitchen supplies and couches for. However... things are slowly turning into a home at his place. I bought a bookshelf today for all of my books (it isn't hoarding if they are all books, right?) and let's just say that "Some assembly required" is the understatement of the year. I am also pretty impressed with the amount of stuff I can cram into my little 2-door car.

We're kind of at the stage now where we are really getting to know each other:

"How many crock pots do you actually own?"
"The rice cooker doesn't count."

"Does this mean we are getting engaged?"
"You tell me..."

"Do you really need a whole room for hunting gear?"

So, one room at a time, some demo, some remo, we are slowwwly making this move. We have come to the conclusion that A. We need more room, B. We have too much stuff and C. We really amuse each other.

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