Thursday, January 10, 2013

Moses the camel has one hump

So riiiiide, Moses, riiiiide. Now sing that in your head all day. You're welcome.

Moses the camel was somewhat of an enigma for quite some time. Moses lives off of I-64, in a barn that is visible from the interstate. Every time James and I would ride out to his parent's house together, James would point and say, "There's a camel there, I swear!" Alas, there never was. James swore that every time he drove past the farm he would see a big clumsy camel hanging out in the pasture, but every time I was with him, he was gone. This went on for literally years. It got to the point that I finally attributed the camel to James' insanity and affinity for tricking me into believing certain things (just FYI, cows do NOT lie down when it rains or snows because their hair soaks it all up and makes them too heavy for their little twig legs to bear).

However, one day, as I sat at home, I received a text from James, who I knew to be on his way to his parent's to hunt. It was a picture of a big ol' camel smiling back at me. Moses, the camel. What the hell.

James needed to prove once and for all that he wasn't joking around this time. So when he saw the camel he exited the interstate and drove to the farm. He got out and walked straight up to the farmer and asked to see his camel. Apparently, this wasn't the first time a crazed driver had stopped to inquire about the man's camel (weird), so he obliged. The farmer jingled his keys and yelled for Moses to come and he happily clomped his way over to the gate. That's when James found out all about Moses the camel.

Moses the camel had been sent to a special camel training school. He learned to come when he was called, among other camel things. James got the low-down and told the farmer our story. He snapped some pictures and proved me wrong.

In the back of my mind I still kind of thought James was full of shit (I still kind of do...), but, one day, when we were driving together out to his parent's I saw Moses with my own eyes. James slammed on the brakes and veered off the exit and drove straight to the farm again. We climbed out of the car and there he stood, Moses the camel in all of his enigmatic glory. He came running up to us in his weird camel kind of way and enjoyed the attention. I petted his weird camel 'fro and touched his little tiny ears. Camels have got to be some of the strangest and most awkward creatures on this earth, right next to the platypus and armadillo.

After a big wet Moses kiss on the cheek.
Camel snuggles.

So, if you are ever driving east on I-64 keep an eye out for Moses the camel. He might be there, he might not, that's the fun about Moses. That's why his hump is so big... it's full of surprises.

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