Oh, hey there.
It's time. Back by popular demand (a.k.a. Erin...) I've decided to start the blog back up! The blog was never really down, you see. I told myself I would take a hiatus from writing while I was wedding planning, but all the time I was logging blog posts in my memory. Now that we have all those shenanigans out of the way (and I mean that in that best, most lovingly, fun way) I can spend some time and energy actually writing them down.
So hang tight while I work through some creative changes - I still need to decide how to best focus my ideas. But, be on the look out for your old favorites including home renovations (oh yea, we did a few of those) and hometown tourism posts. Also coming your way... maybe some fun wedding planning articles such as... "How to handle a bride with anxiety!", and "Organized vs. Controlling - What's the difference and how to maintain relationships while you figure it out!", plus "Lists on lists on lists".
Before I begin, though, I wanted to take a step back and explain why and how the blog really got started...
I think in blog posts. In short stories really. My internal dialogue can always fit on one page before it shifts focus to something else. Sometimes it's an entire mental page of thoughts around wind and Einstein's conservation of energy theories, and sometimes its just an elaborate back story I have made up for the random dog that roams our neighborhood (a.k.a. The Deputy, we'll get to him later). Regardless, I spend a lot of time forming stories in my mind because that is what makes me happy. Tea, too. Tea and stories.
Well, a few years ago (circa blog birth) I lost my job. I had recently graduated with my Master's degree and was facing insurmountable monthly loan payments with no employment on my horizon. I even got fired from a temp job after 4 days. I'd like to think it was because I was so good at everything that I completed every task they had within that time and they didn't know what else to do with me. Let's go with that. Either way, things were bleak. I was way broke. And sad. I spent all day every day job hunting. Searching changed from a get-up, get dressed, sit at the table kind of thing to a wake-up, already on the couch, share a slice of pizza with my cat and wear the same clothes for 3 days kind of thing. Peachy.
It was actually James' suggestion to start the blog. He knows how much I love to write, and he knows how much I need to think. I was uber depressed. Like, can't even turn the lights on in the house depressed and if you know depression you know that point. He pushed me to start the blog to give me something to do, to give me a purpose, and to have a little creative outlet. Little by little it gave me something to look forward to.
Eventually I took a job in a call center for a website. I was convinced it was just to get me to the next best offer, but I realized almost immediately after starting I was in a good place. I'm still with the website and we are even bigger and cooler and I am even happier than I ever thought I could be with a job. Things work out. I look forward to coming in every day and I didn't even know that was a real thing people could feel about jobs.
So here I am, with a job that challenges me daily and sometimes even makes me be creative. Why am I starting the blog back up? I told myself I would. It is a place for me to write my memories down the way that they happen in my mind, and to share my life with my loved ones.
Thanks for checking in. Let it begin again.
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