Friday, October 18, 2013


I have alluded to a top secret development in our lives and it looks like it is about to really come to fruition so we may as well share!

No. Im not pregnant. Or engaged. Come on guys... You know us better than that.

We're moving! Again! It's a good thing I never really unpacked from 6 months ago... right? I know what you are thinking, "You must be nuts!" Well, we are, but that's a totally different blog post. We had finally reached a point where we were comfortable with our real estate developments thus far, and had decided to start planning our next takeover. So, we began working with a real estate agent who was given our list of top 3 real estate desirableness. Let me be clear, we were NOT looking to move just yet. We still don't even have the bathroom shower fully installed from our last project...

However, when our agent called and said she had an opportunity she wanted us to consider, we agreed to "take a look". At around 9:00 that night we went and toured a house. It was dark. And very green. And wallpapered. And we stayed for about 20 minutes.

That night James and I talked. For about 10 minutes. Only because he had to run off to one of the horse farms we were watching that week. We discussed making an offer on the house and the possibilities that lay within the walls. We talked about walking in the parks that surround the neighborhood. We talked about where we would find the money for this unexpected house purchase.
We talked about making it our home.

So, there we were, with a giant decision, like a big fat elephant seal, beached on our couch. And that's where we left that big fat elephant seal until the next morning.

James came back before I left for work. We knew if we made an offer it had to be that day. James had decided overnight that we wouldn't offer on the house. My sad "you're using my engagement money to make an investment again" eyes had turned him off of the idea. Me, knowing him well enough to be aware of the endless self-ass-kicking he was in for if we didn't at least try, had decided he should make an offer.

So he did. We threw something out there and BAM by 4:00 that day we had our offer accepted. We were both shocked, to say the least. Dumbfounded at our own impulsive actions. Needless to say we have decided we are not doing ANYTHING in the least bit spontaneous for the next 5-10 years.

Within 24 hours we heard about a house, looked at a house, made an offer on a house, and went into contract to buy said house. Keep in mind, I have only seen the inside of this house for a total of 20 minutes.

There are already a lot of developments on the property and you are in for a real DIY - HGTV kind of reno blog if you stick around, because we definitely have our work cut out for us.

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