Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Walking through NuLu

This past weekend my best friend came down to Louisville for a wedding. On Sunday, while she was nursing her celebratory hangover, we decided to meet up.

I decided to have her meet me at one of my favorite brunch places - Garage Bar. while it is normally more popular at night, this place has some badass breakfast potatoes and a waffle that could make you cry tears of joy. They also bring you simple syrup to sweeten your own tea and I kind of like that.
We sat outside under the old filling station's canopy because the day was absolutely perfect - here in Kentucky we happen to have a lot of those. We ate and talked and watched a family of birds share a fallen potato. After filling ourselves it was all but necessary to walk off the breakfast paunch, so we took off down Market St. in a little area of town now called "NuLu"... as in "New Louisville".
The street is wide and lined on both sides with those little cutesy shops I just die for. There are beer shops, taco stands, Why Lou Two - which has awesome novelties and too many t-shirts for me to make a decision.
There are jewelry stores, reclaimed furniture showrooms, record shops, and just about anything else you would want to enjoy on a Sunday afternoon.
We strolled and shopped, and if I hadn't been completely convinced that Louisville was the single greatest city on the earth (for the record - I already was), this walk would have converted.
The gardens behind Red Tree.
I understand that some people don't have a liking for this kind of place - the independence of it all, the uniqueness around every corner, and the complete lack of excuses to be "bored". It is my belief that these people just haven't found their neighborhood yet. Keep wandering, my friends...

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