Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ramsi's Cafe on the World

Every now and then James and I come across a restaurant that we need to add to our favorite's list. I might review some of them here. So, for those of you who are local, you can make sure you have been at least once, and, for those of you who may one day visit the 'Ville, you know where to go. One of these restaurants is Ramsi's on Bardstown Road.

Bardstown Road, in itself, is something of a spectacle. There is plenty of great people watching, for sure. It is also an epicenter of awesome restaurants and bars. Bam! That's my kind of place.

The street is crawling with hipsters, walking their dogs and drinking their coffee ironically, and punks, and sometimes zombies... we'll get to that later. Ramsi's is a great place to go because I think it does a great job of wrapping up everything I love about Louisville and putting it in one place. It is diverse and eclectic to the max.

Ramsi's is my favorite restaurant in Louisville for bringing out-of-towners. They get the experience of driving down the tree-lined Eastern Parkway to hipster central, the intersection of Eastern and Bardstown. They can see all the shops and bars and galleries on the way to the restaurant. Once we are there, the menu is so long and diverse that there is something for everyone. I especially love their tortellini graciella, tri-colored tortellinis covered in a rich, creamy sauce, but I can honestly say that I have never been there and not loved my food.

Friday and Saturday nights are the best. One time, when I brought a group of friends from Cincinnati there was an old man magician. He came around to the tables while we enjoyed our drinks and showed us all of his tricks. Another time, when I was there with James, there was a belly dancer who wiggled around the tables. There is rarely a time on the weekends that live music isn't playing throughout the crowded restaurant, the drums and strums bouncing off of the tapestries and artwork smattered all over the walls.
James has discerning taste and even he approves!
The restaurant is richly colored and decorated, slightly dim, and a different experience every time you go. If you go on a lovely Louisville evening you can sit outside in the courtyard. A fountain dribbles down the wall near where you entered and plants crawl up the others. You can hear the music from the restaurant and Bardstown Road all mixing together, and watch the hordes of people who walk up and down the street.
My mom, sister, and I outside of the courtyard. It's on the favorites list now, too!
Also, you can't even tell we're related, can you?
The food is amazing. The drinks are even better. If there is one thing I wish they would bring back, it is the mango sorbet champagne martini. Ugh. I still long for it. All of the drinks are great though, and in the spring and summer, they come with pretty little flowers floating around in them.

All in all, it gives guests a good experience and a good introduction to the type of independent dining that Louisville is so noted for.

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